Florist Choice Seasonal Hand-Tied Bouquet


Let us create a bouquet for that special someone or occasion. Our hand-tied bouquets are delivered aqua packed in water.

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Let us create a bouquet for that special someone or occasion. Our hand-tied bouquets are delivered aqua packed in water.

  • Order online or via 07873 136225 for local delivery within 20 miles of Heage, Derbyshire.
  • Or collect from Willow House in Heage
  • This arrangement is a Florist’s Choice arrangement, the photo is for guidance on the style of the bouquet only.
  • This flower arrangement bouquet is aqua packed and delivered in water for instant display.

Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item like a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.

4.2/5 (5 Reviews)

Additional information

Size of Bouquet

Standard, Deluxe, Luxury


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